New Order Tools

The upper section of the New Order tab contains address filter buttons, an address selection drop list, and buttons that you can use to enter the selected address as the Pick Up or Deliver To address.

Charles @ Foxy

Last Update 9 个月前

Using the address filter buttons above the Pick Up and Deliver To fields, you can control which addresses appear in the drop list. 

You can click a letter to include only addresses with names that begin with that letter, click the number sign (#) to display only addresses with names that begin with a number, or click ALL to include all addresses in your Address Book. 

When you enter an address, all information recorded for the address in your Address Book is automatically entered in the appropriate address information fields. 

If one or more contacts have been recorded for the address, the name and phone number of the default contact are automatically entered in the Contact and Phone fields. 

Address Aliases

If you prefer to use your keyboard rather than your mouse to enter addresses, your company can define aliases for addresses in your Address Book. An alias is a code that you can use to quickly enter an address.

To enter an address using its defined alias, enter the equal sign (=) and then the alias (without a space between the equal sign and the alias) in the desired Location (Alias) field, and then click the Tab button. 

When you click Tab, all information recorded for the address is entered in the appropriate address information fields. 

Selecting Address Contacts 

If more than one contact person has been recorded for an address that you enter as a Pick Up or Deliver To address, you can use the Select Contact button to select a contact other than the default contact for the order.

When you click the Select Contact button, a Choose Address Contact dialog box opens.

To select a contact for the order, click the Select button above the desired contact name. 

When you click Select, the dialog box closes, and the name and phone number of the selected contact are automatically entered in the Name and Phone fields. 

Saving New Addresses

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