The New Order Tab

Using the New Order tab, you can send pickup and delivery orders to your courier company, and view price quotes for potential orders.

Charles @ Foxy

Last Update 9 bulan yang lalu

The New Order tab contains a compact order entry form that you use to quickly enter new pickup or delivery orders. If desired, you can also view a summary of your order that includes a price quote. For information about order summaries refer to Viewing Order Summaries.

The New Order tab is divided into 2 sections.

You enter information about the pickup and delivery locations in the upper section, and enter the details of the order in the lower section. For information about entering a new order refer to Entering Orders.

The New Order tab also contains a range of tools that you can use to quickly enter pickup and delivery addresses, view and enter contacts for addresses, and save new addresses in your Address Book.

For information about the tools that you can use on the New Order tab refer to New Order Tools

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