Editing Open Orders

When necessary, you can view, edit, and cancel orders that appear on the Order Tracking tab or the Search tab.

Charles @ Foxy

Last Update 9 maanden geleden

To edit an open order, click the order number for the order that you want to edit, and then modify the order as desired in the New Order screen that opens.

TIP: If you are modifying the order several hours or days after it was originally entered, you may need to update the Ready Time or Pick Up date settings.

For information about entering information in the New Order screen refer to Entering Orders.

After you edit the order, click Quick Order if you want to enter the modified order immediately. When you click Quick Order, the order is modified in the system and an updated waybill for the order appears with the original order tracking number unchanged.

If you want to view a summary for the modified order, click Continue. For more information about order summaries refer to Viewing Order Summaries

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