Understanding Order Statuses

Orders that appear on the Order Tracking tab can have any status except for Finalized. Orders that appear on the Search tab can have any status.

Charles @ Foxy

Last Update 9 months ago

Your company's orders can pass through 7 status types once they are entered:

  • Open - the order has been entered in the system
  • Assigned - the order has been assigned to a driver
  • Dispatched - the order has been dispatched to a driver
  • Picked Up - the order has been picked up
  • Delivered - the order has been delivered
  • Finalized - the order has been delivered, and your company has been invoiced or will be invoiced
  • Cancelled - the order has been cancelled

Orders that appear on the Order Tracking tab can have any status except for Finalized. Orders that appear on the Search tab can have any status.

NOTE: For more information about the Search tab refer to Searching Your Order History.

You can view the details for orders with any status on the Order Tracking tab or the Search tab, but you can only edit and cancel orders with a status of Open.

NOTE: You can only edit and cancel orders that have been entered by Web Component users in your company. To modify or cancel orders that were entered by your courier company, you must contact the courier company.

For more information about viewing order details, editing orders, and cancelling orders refer to Viewing, Editing, and Cancelling Orders

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